Note: Even though the currency seen on the app is euros, you do not need an account in euros. Your donation will automatically be converted from your local currency into euros. Also, you can edit the sums recommended by the app. 


We are asking for your help, for your support. In a moment when the world is confronted with growing violence, war and conflict, we are asking for your help to make peace a reality.

For 23 years PATRIR has been one of the world’s leading Institute’s working for peacebuilding and the prevention of violent conflict. Our mission is about impacting people’s lives at every levels – from overcoming domestic and gender-based violence in our homes and societies to creating safe schools, free from bullying, where every child can realise their potential, to working to prevent and stop wars, doing peacebuilding even in the midst of violent conflict.

And to do that, we need your help:

Donate to PATRIR:

Over the years we have had incredible impact. We have helped to support peace agreements and cease-fires, engaged in critical moments to help prevent wars from breaking out, and worked to support communities and countries to heal from both the visible and invisible impacts and effects of violence on our lives.

We’ve also made a difference in people’s lives at very individual, personal levels. Our work in schools where PATRIR colleagues have provided trainings and programmes that have reached hundreds of thousands of teachers and students, helping to support and inspire both to work for safe schools, overcome bullying, and learn the skills that can help us make a difference, in our own lives, and the worlds.

Our work to prevent, stop and overcome every form of gender-based violence, and to bring together public institutions and government agencies, art and cultural institutions, civil society organisations, citizens – all of us – to work to ensure that every human being can grow up and live our lives free from violence; and to help us grow as human beings to be able to have healthy relationships, in the relationships that matter most to us.

To training thousands upon thousands of practitioners – from senior government leadership to humanitarian workers, development workers, community leaders, survivors affected by violent conflict, youth, and so many more – to work for peace practically, and to make a difference in our world.

At PATRIR, we know that human beings can impact the world – and be the change we want to see. We work at every level – from local to global – partnering with communities, countries, and national and international organizations to make peacebuilding and the constructive transformation of conflicts the foundation for sustainable peace.

From Cluj-Napoca – Kolozsvar – Klausenburg in the heart of Transylvania, PATRIR has inspired generations of people to work for peace, to do better together, to be the change we want to see in the world.

And we are asking for your help to continue – and to grow – that journey.

This is a time when PATRIR needs your support, to continue our critical mission in the world. We are asking for your help. We are asking for you to join us, to choose peace, and to help us – together – to be the change we wish to see in the world.

Choose Peace. Donate to PATRIR’s critical mission in a moment when it is needed most:
Donate to PATRIR:

Make a donation now!

If you wish to make a donation directly into out accounts:

🟡 Accounts for Donations

ACCOUNT in GBP RO49BTRL01307205905808XX
Banca Transilvania SWIFT BTRLRO22
Please mention:
– purpose: Donatie
– beneficiary: Institutul Roman pentru Pace – PATRIR


Romanian legislation allows a company to report sponsorships awarded to NGOs as fiscal credit for tax returns, without affecting their financial performance and net earnings. You can either award a sponsorship in 2024 and use it for future tax credit or redirect in 2025 a part of the corporate tax that you already paid.

Here are the easy steps for each option:

Tax credit for 2024
(diminishing future corporate tax)
  1. Check your financial indicators and anticipate how much your eligible credit will be, based on the reported financial indicators. (You can take a sponsorship decision after every quarterly report, for example for the Q1 figures already)
  2. Sign sponsorship contracts with PATRIR throughout the year, based on financial indicators.
  3. Award the sponsorships after the contracts are signed.
  4. Report the sponsorships in the tax returns, the D101 and D107 in 2025, within the fiscal deadlines.
Tax credit for 2025
(redirecting corporate tax incurred)
  1. After financial closing, submit the tax returns (D101) by the ANAF deadline.
  2. Calculate if the eligible tax credit limit is reached or not.
  3. If below the limit, sign a sponsorship contract with PATRIR.
  4. Fill in and submit D177 to the by June next year, which instructs the state to redirect part of the tax to PATRIR, to the eligible limit.
  5. PATRIR will receive the funds from the state after your corporate tax is paid.


  • The eligible credit limit is the minimum between: 0,75% of annual sales turnover and 20% of corporate tax.
  • Starting with 2024, micro-enterprises paying corporate tax on revenue will no longer benefit from tax credit for the sponsorships they award, only companies taxed on profits. The corporate tax for 2023 can still be redirected by micro-enterprises, up to the eligible limit.
  • At contract signing, you can check that PATRIR is eligible to receive sponsorships by querying its Registration Number (CIF 13796893) at the following link.