Initial Press Release

ISCAP, together with other partners from different European countries: Italy – CEIPES, Greece – STIMMULI, ADDMA SA and EILD, France – DA&DA, Spain – Ayuntamiento de Quart de Poblet, Lithuania – SIF, Romania – PATRIR, Cyprus – CSI and SIKES, Slovenia – Obcina Razkrizje, ADDMA SA (Grecia) and the Netherlands – VITAL AID, is developing the project “Enfem”: Female TCNs Integration in Local Communities through Employability and Entrepreneurship Local Oriented Strategies, financed by AMIF Program of the European Commission.

The ENFEM project is based on the knowledge that Third Country Nationals (TCNs), and particularly women, are one of the most vulnerable population groups in the European Union, facing a lot of discrimination and socio-economic exclusion. Most of them struggle to find a place in their host country’s educational system and labour market, although they might have valuable skills and knowledge that could be further developed to fit the needs of the local society. 

Therefore, first of all, the activities will aim to provide opportunities for the development of local multi-stakeholders networks, in the 10 partner countries, composed of local authorities, market actors, NGOs, Third Country Nationals (TCN) based and female/gender-based organizations where its overall vision will derive and be guided by the EU Action plan on integration and inclusion 2021-2027. Such a network, through a bottom-up approach, will develop local strategies to facilitate women TCNs early socioeconomic integration through employability and entrepreneurship, and empower their members through knowledge transfer and good practices exchange in addressing integration challenges for migrant women, in alignment with the needs of the local societies and its citizens, context and administrative structures of the communities.  

Specifically, the project will provide training opportunities to migrant women in the fields of language learning, working rights and entrepreneurship skills, while at the same time it will engage in awareness raising among local actors and citizens about the substantial benefits and positive impact of removing existing barriers to the inclusion of migrant women in the labour market. Moreover, training courses will be addressed also to local stakeholders that work daily with women with a migrant background.

The first transnational meeting of the project “Enfem” will be on the 17th and 18th of February 2022 in Porto (Portugal) hometown of the project’s coordinator ISCAP.

For more information, you can visit the project website.

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